Thursday, November 12, 2015

I don't care what is its name I'm calling it Eugenio Alonso Ramirez Esteban

Hi everybody Francisco reporting in, so this was a nice week for my project cause I got it done at the start of it. Last week I after I left my bacteria growth on the 3dquadrant plate, then I used the resulting colonies to do some testing on it. The Gram test results where positive, using this information it was possible to identify the types of tests that would be needed to further identify the bacteria. This week I tested for mannitol fermentation, endospore formation, set a culture in fermentation broth, urea and finally a citrate testing. Usually one would do each test individually and wait for the results, but due to time constraints it was easy for me to just them all at once. Then I tests developed during the weekend at a 37oC. The results were as follow • Mannitol: - • Endospore:= • Fermentation o Acid+ o Gas- • Citrate:+ The bacteria is bacillus subtilis.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Francisco,

    Doing each test one at a time is quite time consuming, but I think it's the best approach after your gram stain is complete. There are several things you need to know immediately, like the cellular respiration, if it can ferment carbohydrates, and if it uses catalase. Love the photos.
